The Baron lives, he’s got Monkey Pox and has been down for the count. Word of advice to all that own them. Get rid of those Prairie Dog's they're filthy rats not pets. Now the question is when will he be back on the bike?
I had a near death experience riding home yesterday. Riding along having a good day (but aren’t they all good when you’re on a bike?). When a county transit bus whizzes by inches from my shoulder. Now when I say inches that’s maybe two, not three, not four TWO. The result shock wave of wind off the bus push’s me on to the gravel shoulder. And in my zeal to stay upright I veer back into traffic. Almost getting mowed down by the on coming traffic. My first near death on a bike in sometime. Getting buzzed by a car or truck but a Frigg’n transit bus that was too much.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Live to tell about it
Posted by
Mitch Man
3:58 PM
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Blah, Blah and more Blah, Blah!
Well, it’s like a broken record……Ride to Vail Blah, Blah, Blah. Sunny 80deg, Blue Sky Blah, Blah, Blah. Great Coffee, Y-Fi Blah, Blah, Blah. Watching Beautiful people Blah, Blah, Blah. Drink More Espresso Blah, Blah, Blah.
Its just a rut I’m stuck in, it could be worst. I could be working! Maybe someday I’ll “Grow Up” and get a real job, and gain responsibility (Code for borrow money for a car, house and change credit cards to the MAX. So I can sweat my ass off working overtime to pay bills. Have kids and pay for braces Blah, Blah, Blah). RESPONSIBILITY, forget it! I did that, do I miss the nice house, new cars and fun toys that come with a social climbing, keep up with the Jones life style? Sometimes, but is all that worth putting myself into an early grave to get? No, and for now it works prefect for me. My biggest worry now is what kind of tires I should run on my bike or what wax I should put on my Skis…..Pink or Yellow. Well, I think I’ll have another Espresso and waste my life away dreaming of the up coming Cross and Ski season.
I wounder where is the Baron?
Posted by
Mitch Man
10:49 AM
Monday, August 29, 2005
What happen to the BARON?
Well, I start running tonight. I'm going to run over to the Gym, then swim and run back. For some reason I feel like running is going to help my cross. But who knows? Maybe I should run with a Scuba Belt with 25lb.s on it ala “Jack Hammer” the man who knows no pain.
Yesterday I did a recovery ride on the Cross steed….Man that is one comfy bike. I headed up Cottonwood Pass towards Leadville. Just an out and back on smooth jeep road. It’s good for the Soul. This weekend marks the end of the Road season. Saturdays is an 85mile RR, Sunday is a Crit, then a 26 Mile TT to blow out the year….My last chance for a Win…..
What happen to the BARON? is he dead, in the ER, Give up riding???
Posted by
Mitch Man
11:16 AM
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Trip Report
Well the Goat asked why I didn’t ride up Castle. I wish I could Ride 60deg pitches forever on my bike. So for now I’m stuck hiking them. It’s been along time I went out climbing. The last peak I when up was Hagerman’s Peak skiing in the spring. So this was a great change of pace from the Bike. Plus with next week stage race it was good to get some Altitude under my belt.
This route to Castle starts just passed the ghost town of Ashcroft about 6 miles on the Pearl Pass road (11,200'). From 11,200', we hiked 2 miles up to 12,400' below just below the old Montezuma Mine. Then continue on to the end of the mining road at 12,800' to a large basin. From here, we were looking southwest at steep slopes that had snow through out. Near 13,300', we entered the large basin north of and climbed the rocky slope leading up to the ridge. Following the broken trail along the ridge through minor scrambling sections with some loose rock. But the route was mostly stable. Near 14,000', it drops down to a small saddle and start up the final pitch and suddenly we were on the summit.
Posted by
Mitch Man
9:00 PM
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Friday, August 26, 2005
A great quote.....
I plunder this quote from DC's Blog......I change it a little but I still love it!
“Do some good with your talents and not just suck money from the corporate teat for the rest of your days”
I'm thinking of starting a list of my fav Blog quotes. Wait, not another list.......I hate *&%&# lists! Someone slap me!
Posted by
Mitch Man
3:53 PM
Today is a Hate DAY!
A List of things I hate today. But just because I hate something today doesn’t not mean I’ll hate it tomorrow. I may love it tomorrow, that’s the way my life works. It always Love/Hate. It's always the one extreme or the other. So maybe this should be a Love/Hate list…….Forget it! Today it is a Hate list.
I hate
My Car
The flat on my road bike that I’ve not fixed
The price of gas
Thorns on the trail
The sun setting earlier
My computer
Having to riding in the rain
Hum V’s
1 ton crew cab pickups
Mini Vans
High Maintenance Chic’s in Mini Vans
Mini Vans
Trailer Houses
Trailer parks
Dumb People
Fast food
This F’n list……
I need to go ride my “Big Wheel” in the mountains and get my Mojo back……
Posted by
Mitch Man
10:41 AM
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Winter List
Two things I’m not going to do this winter
1) I’m not going to gain the normal 10lb.s as I normally do for ski racing. It’s seems like it doesn’t help me that much in the speed events anyway. I’m naturally built more for SL racing then Super “G” or Downhill. So why fight nature? Yes, I do love the speed events and go mach 1, but hay you can’t fight nature. Plus trying to get ride of that 10plus in the spring is getting tougher and tougher. The motivation to diet is just not in me I guess.
2) Let my need for a new bike (or I should say bikes) get in the way of my need for new set of skis (or I should say Skis). I’m going to blow out some of my bike junk to make this happen. I’ll post a list of stuff 4 sale later.
Now two things I am going to do
1) I’m going to cross train more. With the intent of doing a couple of the X-terra events next year and I’m even toying with the idea of doing a Marathon. But who knows on the Marathon, but the X-terra is on the goaled list for next year. I was told you need to be an athlete before you can be a good cyclist. So that is the purpose for the entire cross training.
2) Ski so much that even my butt hole has a perma grin. I’m even going to try to do more XC skiing as a way to build fitness.
Posted by
Mitch Man
1:38 PM
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Two flats and a lot of cool rain.
That’s what I was waiting for me on the way home yesterday. I left late so I was going about 90%MHR to make up time when low and behold I pickup a piece of glass. No big deal I whipped out a new tube and Co2 and away I went. Go west young man, it was a beautiful day so not much could bring me down. That was until I hit the mouth of the canyon and the lighting started cracking and the wind whip-up and I was staring down on a hell of a storm. Then as things go, bad to worst. My rear tire go’s flat. Nice, no tube, no pump, no Co2 and no fun. But as things seem to go for me, a couple of very nice girls going the opposite direction as I braving the wind, hail and rain gave me their frame pump. They were my life saver! I wasn’t looking forward to 20 plus miles of rim riding. No questions asked no deposit. Just “here you go, I work at #### in vail drop it off when you can and good luck” and off they pedaled. I was so happy to get it too, as I had to stop and refill 3 times.
So today’s task was to get that pump back with some nice Starbucks attached. Tonight I’m putting my big thick Conti’s back on and stocked up on Co2…….
Posted by
Mitch Man
4:42 PM
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
The cost of "Free" time........
(This image was pilfered from juancho)
If only I could get an Expresso this large......
What to do, ride, swim, hike, kayak or nothing? Or maybe all. The big thing here is fly fishing but all they catch are these minnow size trout. It the kind of thing someone would use for bait if they were into fishing. Who wants to wade chest deep in 35deg water for hours and catch a 2 ounce fish? Even if it were a 2 pound fish, maybe if it were 5 pounds. What’s the point if it won’t make a meal? Pointless……
Last night I swam for an hour then flop into the Hot Tub. I felt like a huge noodle after. Still feeling it from Saturday it was just what the Doctor ordered to loosen me up. So this morning I rode up to towards Vail again which is becoming my Tuesday ritual. Ride, Espresso, people watch, play on the Y-fi at Starbucks. Today instead of sitting at the Lions Head in Vail I took a detour up to Beaver Creek. By resort standards BC is right up there; a straight guy can wear a full mink and not get a look like he’s some Rainbow Chaser. It about as posh as they get. Even my Espresso is a premium charge. But "that’s the price for paradise” as the local rich boys say. It’s just nice they let a poor boy like I hang on their doorstep and beg for a few beard crumbs.
Well I think there's another Triple Shot in my future then I need to get riding back to Glenwood. I’m meeting a group to do some kayaking on the Roaring Fork. Something I’ve had little time to do this summer but the next couple weeks look good for hitt’n the river. Plus I’m planning on climbing a couple 14’ers in the coming weeks. There are only a couple of races coming up so I’ve got lots of free time. LOL……Ok so maybe all my time is "free time"……
My new phrase is "Punching a remote is better then Punching a Clock". Now where's that's remote?
Posted by
Mitch Man
10:02 AM
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Look'n Mean at the Mass
Warming up and sporting the cross look. Riding the big wheel is making my legs huge....
Well I just finished putting the new axel on the trailer I pickup a couple weeks ago. Man it looks nice. I can’t wait to haul some junk on it. Maybe I’ll pickup an old mattress and haul it around for a while…
Yesterday was a blast, and not because it was “Blast the Mass”. It was a little hecktic getting there. It took me untill 1:00 am Saterday to get the Big Wheel in race shape. The broken seatpost was a pain in the ASS to remove and replace. But, I did get it together and with a 9:00am start time it wasn’t looking good. The alarm clock rang at 6:00 and we were on the way. As you can see in the picture I was still jamming breakfast down when I headed up to the line. Little did I know it was also the state championship too so all the hot shot where there. At least the ones that weren’t at Mount Snow.
The men’s Pro’s field went out, then the Women’s Pro’s followed by the Expert and SS class. I down loaded a part of the first lap so you can get idea of the profile. The blue line is Alt. red is my HR.....
I’ll just say this course is brutal! It took me a 3hours and 18 to cover the 25.5 miles of 3-laps with about 8700’ of climbing. Sandy was a little luckier with only having to do 2-laps. But the gun went off and a way we go. The pace was slow as we headed up the mountain 500 meters from the starting line. Settling into my pace and up, up and up it went. The only problem I had was a Jerrod moment on the first downhill when I thought I was on a full suspension bike when it was fully ridged. Hitting a root at an angle going mock-2, it shot me strait into an aspen tree. Which put me in the back of the field. After pulling myself out of the woods and getting back on the bike. The chase was on. I was able to get it back together and pick up a couple of guys as the popped off the back. Using my cross skills to over take guys was huge advantage. I would run sections when others would try to ride and pop.... The first two laps were super hard but manageable. The third was a constant strugle just to keep the cranks moving. I don’t know how many times I wanted to quit. But as I would ride past someone or get pass someone would say “way to go one-ie” or “Your on a 1x1? Keep it going” They were hurting, so they knew I was smoked! The people in the race and watching were amazing. I'm drilled, But I made it…
After the finish I was able to change and get over to the last climb up to the finish to see the womens field come through. As I counted 1,2,3,4,5,6 then Sandy. She was just behind two and Hammerd by them with 50 meters to go and finished 5th overall 3rd in class. So it was a great showing at the MASS. Close for me and a 3rd place on the steps for Sandy. One day I'll get there on my "ONE-IE"...........
Posted by
Mitch Man
12:07 PM
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Blast the Mass
Full race report later....but it was a good race Sandy got 3rd and I just missed the steps with 4th. More on this later.
Posted by
Mitch Man
10:16 PM
Friday, August 19, 2005
I got my camera fix! I changed the Batteries....
Don’t my biceps look huge? Well I haven’t posted any pic.s lately because my camera was broke or so I thought. But low and behold a set of new batteries and it works perfect. So I took it on my lazy ride up and over Lookout Mountain.
Aspen is just the other side of Mount Sopris in the picture and this is what is normally looks cresting Lookout looking south towards Aspen.
But last night it was impending Doom…….A storm is blown in Dorothy. But hell it was just an easy spin-up and who cares if it get cut short by some rain. Because this weekend all hell is going to break loose at the “Blast the Mass”. So I’m going to need every watt available in my legs. I'm planning to take a page out of the Goat hand book and ride the Big Wheel……6000 feet of climbing over 25 miles. Oooo can you feel the pain? I’m just trying to decide on a gear. 32x17 or 18……..but will it really make a differents? Most likely not.
How do you like this snake? I hate snakes……anybody know what kind it is?
Posted by
Mitch Man
8:00 AM
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Every man needs a day at the spa.
The Prefect Recovery…….
Next year I’m going to give Xterra a shot, plus I’ve got a great “Club” to workout in with a pool plus, a climbing wall, weight room, and all the amenities. So instead of doing junk miles on my bike I’ve been swimming. It’s a great way to allow my legs to recover. 1000 meter. This takes me around 45 min.s. Yes I know it’s slow but I suck at swimming. Then 15 min.s in the Hot tub and I’m good to go. Next week I’ll be mixing that in with a run for the up coming Cross season. I suck at that also. But I’ve still got to work on it. The benefit of hanging around the pool is I get to show off the pedicure I got the other day. Which, by the why is very relaxing. Chics have been holding out on us men when it comes to this stuff. I may just make this apart of my monthly grooming. Haircut, Leg waxing (I’m working my way up to the chest up. But I’ll just shave that for now), Manicure and Pedicure. Every man needs a day at the spa.
Today it’s a “Blue Sky” day and for lunch I’m heading over to Moe’s Barbeque. He’s a good old boy from the south and serves up some mean “Q”. The Baron would love the Pulled Pork with a side of beans and slaw. Then it’s a post lunch Espresso, catch some rays and maybe a ride up the “Doc Holiday” trail. Or I may just go shopping and watch soap opera’s…………
I wonder what Goats doing right now?
Posted by
Mitch Man
11:13 AM
What will the spam'r think of next.....
Thanks for the tip "Goat" Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog. So some of your pre-post comments have been deleted. Sorry.......
Posted by
Mitch Man
8:29 AM
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Life Is Good!
Well after banking 2 metric century yesterday my leg are a little worked. The skies were a blissful blue all the way home. I was drilled it for the first fifty miles and was holding a 24 mph avg. Then the wheels came off and creeping along at 15mph was an effort. I was riding with a backpack, which is a mistake. I knew that leaving yesterday, but the pending weather, the need for extra clothing, Plus I was picking up some bike parts in Vail so it was required. Man I have know idea how people can ride with a camel-pak. With all that weight it just kills your back. By the time I hit the mouth of the Canyon my back was screaming. So I had to ride the last 20 miles Baron style (that would be no handed). Just putting my hands on the drops for more then 30 seconds was impossible. But hell it was a good day. It gave me time to sight see a little instead of having VO max tunnel vision.
Got a trick Kelly Cross fork, some really cool rim plugs for my road bike. It replaces the rim tape for 50 grams savings. Speaking of Cross, I was thinking of signing up for the “Wells Cyclocross Camp” how cool would that be? Or is that like trying to buy a Golf swing?
Now it’s time for a rant. One thing I HATE about Colorado is all the 1 ton, crew cab, dually pick-ups. What the hell do you need that for? Because or dicks is too small? Because you’re a redneck, white trash, NASCAR watching bastard? I call them “Colorado Mini Vans” It seems like every other car on the road here is a road hog gas guzzling pieces of junk. The people that own them live in an $8000.00 trailer house and drive a $40,000.00 truck. What the F……! I guess you need them to pull your trailer houses around. And then you see these Redman Chewing, Levi style pecker heads with their pie plate size belt buckles. I would bet it’s oppositely proportional to the size of their brain. I can only hope that with gas at $2.75 a gallon some of these pea-brain haul’n junk heaps get repo’d by their finance company’s and there a less of them on the road.
Posted by
Mitch Man
11:26 AM
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Sometime you play the cards as thier dealt......
Tuesday came and blew me out again…….I rode up to Vail this morning and damm the luck it started raining. So now I’m stuck here, hold up in a Starbuck slugging down Espresso, eating cookies and playing on the computer. I hate riding in the rain! It gets my bike all dirty and its cold, it just sucks. Call me a girlie man if you like. I don't care, riding in the rain sucks. So I'm going to hold up here all day if I have too (maybe all night). There are worse places to be stuck. It’s not like South Chicago or east Texas; this is Vail with all its polish, shopping and High Maintenance Girls. So, after another Espresso I may buy myself something nice; maybe get a pedicure or massage. Then get my legs waxed. Hopefully by then the rain will have stop and then I can make the 75 miles trek back home. But until then I’ll be sitting here taking it all in……..I wonder what Goats doing right now?
Posted by
Mitch Man
10:12 AM
Monday, August 15, 2005
More fun then a
Two days of solid climbing, a little over 11,000’ for a total. My new HR monitor has an altimeter on it and the best thing it’s down loadable to my PC. I’ve got more workout information then anyone man should know. Between my PowerTap and HR monitor I have at my finger tips; Power output in watts, Cadence, Speed, Heart rate, all in Average, Current and Maximum. Plus Altitude, Total descent and ascent. Temp Average and Current. Now WHY would anyone need to know all this information? I don’t know but it’s pretty cool. I get home from riding and an elevation print out is at my finger tips.
Saturday I rode out to the Hubbard Caves and yesterday the Transfer trail. It starts out in-town with a gravel road climb for about 3 miles then converges to ATV double track then Climbs, Climbs and Climbs. This one hurt covering some 6000’ over 14’ miles until you get to “No Name” creek. Definitely some of the toughest climbing I’ve done to date. Even Goat would think this one hurts! As a mater of fact I think this one would make him cry for mommy! Once at the top it's rolling single track for a mile or two. Then a screaming decent into “No Name’. I guess it wouldn’t be so bad but two days of climbing and I feel like I’ve been pulled through a knot hole.
The bike is shifting a little better. I change the rear derailleur. I think the other one was bent. Plus the new 1x1 fork is on the way and should be here for “Blast the Mass” this weekend. Which should be a blow out. Last year all the big pros were there. Deadly Ned, Wells and the “D” town boyz. It’s great to see these guys just tear up the course. But more on this later……….
Sound like the Wisco boyz did well at the WORS race………Good Job.
Posted by
Mitch Man
10:05 AM
Saturday, August 13, 2005
LSD.......What's that?
Got the bike rack back in order on the Explorer.......One thing off the list. Then it was a MTB ride out to Hubber Caves and Back. 5 hours later and I was worked. There was 5000 ver of climbing so much for a recovery ride. For some reason the MTB was miss shifting. Damm gears! Can't wait till I get the new fork for the Big Wheel......
Sleep now! Good luck to the Wisco Boys this weekends WORS race.
Posted by
Mitch Man
9:57 PM
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Shit Happens
Ok, I’m worked today…….
First a little race recap. It was just like being back in the Midwest. Raining, muddy and did I say rainy? There were about 200 plus racers, not bad for Midweek. With about 15 in the Pro/Half Pro class and maybe 50 in the Expert/1x1 class. I got there a little late so I didn’t get much of a warm-up in before the line-up. I counted 10 plus 1x1’s in the field. But I wasn't here to win. My priorities were to first finish, second not be last and third not to get lapped by the Pro’s. O-yea and something about having fun. I did manage all of the above so it was a “Great MTB Race” for Mitch Man.
The Pro wave went off 5 min.s ahead of mine, so I got a little extra time with the MP3 and the old school Hip-Hop that has become part of my pre-race mojo. At the gun the pace was mild so I took the opportunity to move up and grab the wheel of another 1x1. The course didn’t waste anytime and headed up the mountain. I was able to pace the other 1x1’s as we picked our way though the field on the first climb. It was fun climbing and grinding our way pass these guys spinning the butts off…..near the top I was sitting in a good spot with a group of 4, but I was about to blow. Lucky for me it flattened out and I hung through the rollers on top. There was a wicked decent at the end of loop and I got gap’d (Damm Rigid) but was able to pull it back about halfway up the second climb. Then the wheels fell off at the top of the second climb and dudes were blown by me as I was look'n for my leg’s in the woods. Once I got thing back together they were gone. So I just put my head down for some work as I had another lap an a half to go. I was able to pull one guy back and pass him but then the rain started coming down hard so really drilling it became impossible, Plus I was smoked. By the end the trail was like riding on grease, but fun……I think I’ll be racing the “Big Wheel” at Snowmass next week if I can get it back together.
Now why would I need to get it back together? Because I managed to rip the thing off the top of my truck along with the rack and factory mounting rails on my way home……
1-broken seat post
1-bent fork
2-broken rack mounts
1-missing factory mounting rail
Plus a list of dents and scratches to the Exploder.
Bummer…….the good news the bike is in better shape then the car. But more on this later……….
Posted by
Mitch Man
9:55 AM
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
One thing I hate about the mountain life is I can’t get the instant gratification I require when it comes to purchasing bike parts. The bike shops around here keep nothing in stock and it drives me nuts. For example today I would love to Gear up the Big Wheel for some climbing. I’m running a 33x16 and would love to run a 33x18 today. No big deal right? Just change out the BMX freewheel and you are set……Well trying to buy one is impossible, this is the standard answer “We don’t have it, but we can order it for you” Witch doesn’t help because I NEED IT NOW. If I wanted to order it Mr. bike shop moron why would I come to you? I’d just order it on-line! Somehow I need to fix that, it’s not the American way! We need instant gratification and anything less in not acceptable ……You can buy Pot, Coke, Crack, Crystal Meth and any other kind of dope instantly. But you can’t get a Frick’n Freewheel!
Posted by
Mitch Man
9:31 AM
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
This Just In
I'm going to race the "Big Wheel" tomarow at the Beaver Creek MTB race. It's part of the Vail Rec Dept series. 16 miles with 4000 vert of climbing. Should be a good time.....LOL
Posted by
Mitch Man
12:02 PM
The lists are in
Well I've started making my lists and checking them twice.....Have you been naughty or nice? I need to work on the spacing and other modifications but it's a start.
Plus I started on my X-terra training. Let’s just say my swimming is like my spelling.......Very bad, it took my 45 min.s to do 9 lengths of the pool. But the best part there's room for improvement. But I really think the swimming will help with recovery on my off days. Plus I've started running for the Cross season. So what’s the big deal?
More on this later.....
Posted by
Mitch Man
7:54 AM
Sunday, August 07, 2005
One thing that is not a good idea is to spend two week off you road bike and then do back to back races, But that’s what I did. After spending 5 days off the bike complete and then only 1x1 MTBing my legs were feeling fresh but my Lugs weren’t. The Fed Center circuit racing is very cool. It covered about six miles a lap with about 12 tight turns over the Denver Federal Center Campus. I would have loved to have HRM readout. I spend the entire time 98 to 102% of max. Just suffering. Just sitting in I would be 98%, so naturally I didn’t do anything. I set the sprint up prefect both times. Sitting about tenth on the outside. But just didn’t have anything left in the tank for the sprint. I don’t why I couldn’t relax, the heat, the time off the bike, maybe be a combonation of everthing. But I still managed a top 20 and 25 with fields around a 100. For my first 35+ (123) race I was very happy with that but there are still lots of room for improvement. Maybe next year will be my breakout year or maybe I’ll just get fat…
Sandy on the other hand continues to improve and just got pimped at the line for 2nd in her race in the 3/4 Women’s field it was very close at the line. I couldn’t see it from where I was standing. But the film doesn’t lie. Another girl drafter her to the line and just had enough to swing by. It was a great race, but she was still a little disappointed not getting the win. It will come with a little more racing experience.
Well, I’m going to eat something and head out for a recover ride. I’m not going to spend that much time lying around again. It hurts too much….
Posted by
Mitch Man
9:27 AM
Thursday, August 04, 2005
The "A" List......
First, I caused a woman to blow her gasket last night. I was just starting to head up Red Canyon and suffering like a dog on the Big Wheel when this Woman pull along side me and screams that the top of her lugs “Move the ‘F’ over ‘A’-hole” Then drillers the gas. Spraying gravel all over the place. I just smiled and waved. Got to love it when you’re the basis for someone losing it……..
Well the rain has been falling the last few days. So I guess the rollers will get a workout today. Plus I’ll be tinkering with the Cross bike again. Saturday I’m heading to the Front Range for the “Fed-Center” race. I hope my upgrade comes through before then. Well I guess it’s more important to have it for the Swanky Classic on the 14th. That’s the Cats of races. The “Haul’N’Ass” boy’z put it on and they know how to party. Then it's a push to the Vail Stage race. The best part about the Vail race is I’ll get to ride the Pink “TT” twice. Once in the opening prologue and then in the close Time Trail. Man it’s funny how fast the season has gone by. With only 5 road and 3 Mountain bike races left. Man where did it go? But hay that just means the REAL bike racing starts………
I'm thing of make a list A, B and C. This will be the grading scale. The “A” list will be Blog’s that are updated 4 plus time a week; The “B” list will be Blog’s that are update 3-2 time a week and then there will be the “C” list……….
Where do you fall????
Posted by
Mitch Man
4:14 PM
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
The paramount score!
Last night it was raining so riding was OUT of the QUESTION! But that’s not the story. I was driving down I-70 they other day and spied a trailer broke down on the side of the highway. Now a week later and it was still there. So I rented a U-haul and snap it up. Sweet! Got a new spinal on order to fix it and I’ll have they prefect equipment trailer to haul my TAXI’s around on……….YES! Anybody want to drive for me?
Posted by
Mitch Man
11:50 AM
Monday, August 01, 2005
Well I have to tip my hat to all those Tri-nuts that do an Xterra event. They are a far cry from those G-string, tank top wearing whinnies doing the normal road Tri’s….These guy and gal’s are as tough as nail’s. Have to battle each other over a series of off road events. Swimming, bike and running off road, doing battle with rivers, creeks, mountains and animals……Yes animals! The different between 1st and 2nd was decided by a wayward bull at the second river crossing (about 40’ a crossed and 3’ deep) It seams that a bull would not let the leader cross for a couple of min.s allowing the 2nd place guy to close the gap and pass on the run……After a slow start in the swim Sandy was able to put the hammer down on the bike and run to finish a very nice 16th overall. I would really love to try one once.
That was the second best thing of the week-end. The first was reconnecting with my 1x1. I’d forget how much fun and WORK they are. After getting home yesterday I took the Big Wheel out for a ride up and around red canyon. It was a brutal 1 hour climb to upper loop but once to the top it was loads of fun. Until I stacked it up coming down the “Doc Holiday” trail. It was the hardest cash season. One of those went you just lay there after and assess the damage for a minute or two. Need-less to say I’m worked. But really had a gas. I may even run it in the up coming MSC race………..
I wonder if Goats woke up yet?
Posted by
Mitch Man
12:36 PM