Sunday, June 12, 2005

Rain, Rain and more Rain

I did nothing to today; got up call “The Champ” (my new name for the Baron) went and got some breakfast. List some bike crap on ebay (including Goats old Trek. I’m going to get big bucks for it) bought some stuff on ebay (It didn’t look like my Ritchey wheel are going to make it for Superweek. So I got some American Classic Sprint 350’s and some other goodies to light’n up the Steed. Shooting for 15.5 lb….) Road the rollers for and 1.5 hours. Watched “Breaking Away” and the Discovery Team on cycling TV. I think I’m going to by more light crap for my bike and then go to sleep (I'll be dreaming of “The Champ) I wonder what goats is doing right now?