Monday, August 20, 2007

My Tech-no Blows JoJo

Phone broke

Computer has a bad power supply

no upload, on download

Whats a guy to do???

I'll tell you what, work on my new digs......

Plumbings in.....Check
Electical in.....Check

Now I just need some new tech shit....

Did the crit over a Copper this weekend. One of the coolest, very "Euro" style thought the village. Drunk'n people smoke’n and yell'n.....There is nothing like suck a lug full of second hand Cigg'y smoke trying to bridge a gap at 9000 feet! Needless to say I puked, the first 90min.s were good but the last 30 sucked………How do you know when you’re suffering in a Crit??? When you look at the Clock every LAP! “Diamond Dave” once said “I think this clock is SLOW”

Check that I did a 60 min and a 50 back to back so it was 110 not 120……….

Sandy got pimp’d for 5th but put the hammer down on the pro’s……..again.