Wednesday, December 21, 2005

A new day at the office

Ok....I had to go into the office early today, a few hours of skate ski. Skate skiing....I don’t know if I love it or I hate it. I have been attempting to get into it but I haven’t been able to get aroused about it. But yesterday I was so bored I was sorta, kinda excited about them laying down a few K. The skate ski is loaded with long nosed snobs that love to look down at the unskilled. “Why would I waste my time give a pointer to someone new? When I can blow their doors off” Very similar to the road bike racing. "I'm better than you and not going to give you the time of day b/c I'm busy being me" Now that I think about it, thats the Goats daily affirmation. I suck at gong up, but downhill is where I put the hammer down on the stick man. Speed is my friend, my friends. Then on the flats I skate like my ass is on fire'r! I may not have the moves and all the fancy gear but a some point the downhill skillz take over and I'm a wild man skiing. Hell I’m like the fat guy with un-shaven legs in a CAT 5 race. If I can’t look pretty kicking your ass I’ll run you OVER! Get out of my way you Vail Freak! 30k and out! Back to office (That’s code for “where’s the remote”)…………..