All jackup’d and too many places to ride……Temp’s nearing 60 today and a new bike on the rack. The new steed is weighing in at a slim 6940grams (and I haven’t even put the dremel to it yet) in ready to ride form. Which is a little odd b/c my current weight is 69kg……It’s like a rebirthing ceremony.
On another weighty issue, the Goat said he’s coming to band camp at 67.25kg and ready to climb…..WELL, son put down the burrito and step away! b/c if he doesn’t come in under 65.5kg he’ll be a big fat fatty and out the back! See you a the top lard-o……
On another weighty issue, the Goat said he’s coming to band camp at 67.25kg and ready to climb…..WELL, son put down the burrito and step away! b/c if he doesn’t come in under 65.5kg he’ll be a big fat fatty and out the back! See you a the top lard-o……