Hit -it -Hard
First off, you know you're coming up on a bike path racer when you see the any of the following:
1. World Champ socks
2. Creaky gears/etc
3. Downtube shifters
4. Any euro-team kit or
5. Any combination of the above.
I ever respond or take the challenge of ANYone on the bike path...EVER. This is an oath I took when I started racing...all racers take it. Anyway...
The first guy that wanted to rumble pulled up with #'s 1-3 on an older Euro bike. It was within the first 10 minutes of my ride. He gave me the bikepathlete glare...you know...when they pull up along side you so, look over at you as if to say, "Oh...you think because you are the shit? watch this buddy... So, as soon as this guys sprinted around me, I figured I was safe for the rest of the ride. Pathletes love rumble.
So I'm cruising along all of a sudden, this guy in a full Saturn/Timex kit down to the freaking shoe covers comes up along side me, kinda passes me, does a full "over the shoulder taunt", then gets out of the saddle and attacks. He rides to the top of this little rise and absolutley BLOWS UP...classic. I hear him weasing as I slowly roll by, and smile to myself.
I love the bike path…… I use "Hay Dick I'm Com'n Hard"........"Get you Fat Kid out of my WAY!"
It works most of the time.......