Thursday, January 03, 2008

29" wheels 29" pants......

It's easy math

“Association to Advance Fat Acceptance”

I’ve see everything now!

O-man …… lets get one thing straight here, Being fat is NOT a disability. Don’t give me this Bullshit that you’re big boned. It’s not your bones, It’s the 40 layers of fat surrounding your bones like trees rings – THAT’s the problem.

The Department of Motor Vehicles is give handicapped license plates to fat people. That’s right, FAT PEOPLE! The average Joe Chunk Lard-Ass now will have the same rights and privileges as disabled war veterans. I’m sorry, but P.O.W. stands dos’ not stand for Prisoner of the Wafflehouse! And what the hell kind of logic gives fat people another excuse not to walk. If anything, fat people should be forced to park as far away from the building as possible to get their big asses moving.
And why do stores provide those little battery powered scooters that clog up the paths and look like the wheels are going to pop off any minute under the strain off!
Another excuse I love: “I’ve got the FAT jean, my mom’s fat. Her dad was fat, my aunt Bertha was fat…..” B.S.! It’s not in your Jeans. The only thing in your Jeans is the melted Hershey bar from lunch fatty while you polish off that fourth triple bacon combo. If you’re fat and happy, more power to you. If you’re fat and miserable, it’s probably because you’re fat. Don’t complain to me like you’ve got cancer! Dislodge the remote from between the sausages that you call a hand, get your ass out to the track and do something!
It’s very EZ…….Calories in should be less than the Calories out. You can’t eat 6000 Calc’s a day sit on your Ass and get skinny!